2009年5月18日 星期一

Give Love a Chance 2 愛有明天 2

this is the second report on the 3 puppies, go here for the first report.

Do you know what Yi Mui is doing?

It was busy the second day the puppies were found.  Although our schedule is very tight, we still squeezed the dinner time, which goes in between the dragon boat practice and borrowing arm chair for my mother, to take the puppies to visit the vet.

fig 1. We take part in the dragon boat race this year at Sai Kung
圖 1. 今年我們參加了西貢區的比賽呢

練習龍船教習是例牌超時的,約了獸醫六時三十分,奈何接近五時三十分才讓我們離汽車老遠處上岸,我和太太惟有以跑步作cool down,更不要說換掉身上的濕衫,更不要說去厠所等,飛車回家最三個小狗,再飛車去獸醫處,但始終還是遲了二十分鐘。
The coach did not release us on time, even worse, he dropped us a mile away from our car.  Needless to say, we need to run to the car to hurry for the vet booking at 630.  May be the running is a kind of cool down.  Without changing all the wet clothes, without wasting a second in going to toilet, we managed to get the three dogs to the vet at only 20 minutes late.

fig 2. At vet office with the wet clothes
圖 2. 到了獸醫的辦公室,我們還是穿著龍船的濕衫呢
Vet guessed that they are older than 2 months.  The checking takes not long and they have their first vaccination.

fig 3. Vet is checking the heart beats
圖 3. 獸醫替大妹檢查身體

fig 4. Some of the ticks picking out from their bodies
圖 4. 牛蜱
After all these, the remaining urgent things to do is to make a better place for them to live in.  Unfortunately, our garden is connected to our neighbour's and there is no shelter.  Luckily we don't have storm until the middle of the week.  Wife has made some temporary separation from the neighbour so that they can have their playing space.

fig 5. Background is the temporary construction by my wife
圖 5. 背景可以見到太太做的臨時的分隔措施
Before the coming of the storm, we manage to finish a few things for them.  The first is a 3 feet cage for them to sleep in.  We have put food, water and toys for them inside the cage.  And we need to put two mosquito coils outside to discourage the mosquito from biting them.

fig 6. A large enough cage for them to sleep in at night
圖 6. 一個讓他們可以安睡的籠
The second is a temporary shelter which enables their cage without getting wet outside.

fig 7. The shelter is a temporary one. You can see it is supported by trap pole used in camping
圖 7. 臨時上蓋,用露營的天幕柱支撑
The third is to make a more strong separation of the garden.  A pole has been put into the ground but it is still a temporary fence.  This is needed as our neighbour has just return from his oversea job and is sure not a good idea to use his garden.

fig 8. A temporary fence
圖 8. 臨時的分隔
"I am Tai Mui and am glad to have a safe shelter right now.  However, this is not a home.  Can any of you offer us a home?"

fig 9. Tai Mui
圖 9. 大妹

fig 10. Yi Mui and Sai Lo
圖 9. 二妹及細佬

8 則留言:

  1. 尼d係o米牛蜱?
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:44:00]是呀

  2. 辛苦你們了.
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:45:00]暫時都仲OK,落左雨地方差好多,到時再算。

  3. 希望佢哋早日有個家!

  4. 我覺得大妹好似珍寶珠 (泡泡個女) ~

  5. 希望佢地可以快 d 有個幸福嘅屋企啦 ~

  6. 祝願佢地快快有個家.

  7. 衷心希望三位小朋友快d有個真正ge家..

  8. 二妹追緊玻璃入面自己個樣咯!
