2009年5月18日 星期一

Give Love a Chance 1 愛有明天 1

3 puppies were found dumped at Wong Shek Pier on May 15 and were able to make me feel they are angels in just one day.  Love and care do bring the change.

fig 1. Just one day after they were rescued
圖 1. 剛從地獄出來一天
Wong Shek Pier has nothing to do with the Yellow Stone National Park but as a remote place, people like to dump their unwanted dogs here.  When the 3 puppies were found, they were barking at the passing-by inside the pavilion.  May be they were frightened, may be they were asking for help.

fig 2. This is a shelter, not a home with future
圖 2. 容身之所,決非一個有將來的家
It looks like they were dumped within days and they look healthy and don't afraid of strangers.

fig 3. Although scared, still don't run away nor over-react
圖 3. 眼神露出驚惶,但仍沒有拒絕我們的接近
Without thinking for one more moment we bring them home.  Although we cannot promise them we can offer them a home, we believe that every kids worths a home.  We would do our best to find them a home with future.

fig 4. fed them then took them home to find a permanent home for them
圖 4.先給他們吃點東西,才帶他們回家,為的是要為他們找一個真正的家
There are lots of things to do once return home but the most important one is to let them have a bath.  As we have 2 dogs and 5 cats at home, we cannot afford them to get inflected.

fig 5. they create no problem even thought we put all 3 of them in the bath tube
圖 5.沖涼是三隻一起在浴缸沖的,雖然有三隻,但又相安無事
There is also one urgent things to do except cleaning and clearing them from ticks.  That is to make them a poster so that we can find them a home asap.

fig 6. English version only as we are in a hurry
圖 6.因為忙,只有英文版本的海報

fig 7. The only boy in the pack, Sai Lo, meaning little brother
圖 7.唯一的一隻男狗,我們叫他做細佬

fig 8. Girl, Yi Mui, meaning sister at the second order
圖 8. 狗女,二妹

fig 9. This is Tai Mui, the big sister
圖 9.大妹

下一篇:Give Love a Chance 2 愛有明天 2

12 則留言:

  1. 希望佢地快d搵到屋企~~
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:45:00]都係咁望

  2. 誠心祝禱,願牠們早點找到一個家.
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:45:00]佢地都好聽話,希望會有一個家。

  3. 祝福他們早日到幸福的家
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:46:00]多謝,不如你養多隻。

  4. 狗 b b,  祝你們幸福 !
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:46:00]大妹二妹細佬:多謝你的祝福

  5. 已轉載 : 已驗明正身   http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/dauning07  
    "呢三個小朋友已經被抽水會長驗明正身, 個個體格強健, 肥頭耷耳, 會長仲保證送養前會日日同佢地由頭驗到落尾, 順便幫佢地保持理想體重, 收養時略廋於相片乃會長落力心良苦, 落力抽水, 呀, 唔係, 係驗身所致, 屬正常現象。
    本 blog 忠告各位, 如喜歡胖嘟嘟狗 b 的, 唔好等太耐至去領養, 否則........"
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:46:00]多謝幫手。

  6. 好得意呀~!! 真係想鍚返啖。
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:47:00]隨時來鍚佢地都得。

  7. 豬頭 : 好好好可愛呀!  ~    x 3
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:47:00]小朋友其實都一定好可愛的。

  8. 又多三隻小狗狂抽水~
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:48:00]抽水要付出代價

  9. 小狗好在有你地帶走.
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:48:00]相信好過留在街頭的

  10. 希望有你哋的幫助,佢哋快啲搵到新家啦!

  11. 狗狗幸運遇到你,謝謝你! I will forward the message and try to help to find a home for the puppies.

  12. oscar & olive, 真係麻煩你地專程帶細佬過黎大埔~ 我地一家人包括丁丁都好鍾意佢~ 你地走左之後佢個惡野已經開始挑戰丁丁... 令我回想返丁丁細個時都係咁向我地早前過左身既狗狗挑戰架~ 我相信佢地會合得來~ 依家已經到累... 訓得好甜~ hehe~
