2008年11月20日 星期四

Tips on taking pictures on cats


Someone asked in a discussion group how cats can be photographed beautifully.  Having taking cat photos for years, I assume I have my ways so I summarize the method I usually employed as below.

A simple background is the keyfor success.  Luckily cats are small creatures that merely a small part of an empty wall is enough.  The following picture shows a street cat I shot with a white wall as background.

沒有簡單的背景,可以用大光圈虛化,不過效果未必管用。這是我家的貓,雖然用f2.8虛化背景,但仍然影響效果。When simple background is not found, we may apply large aperture to blur the background.  This although helps but not necessary gives satisfactory result.  In the picture below I use f2.8 for my cat but the effect is only acceptable.

都是在家中拍的,用光差效果把背景除去。Another method is to use different of brightness level to make the background looks dark.


Different focal length creates different effects.  But if you are using a super wide angle lens, be sure the cat lets you come as close as a few cm.  On the other hand, you need to take into account whether the space inside a house be large enough for using a tele lens.

The cat below is taken by a 50mm lens on D700.  This standard lens is quite suitable for working inside my home for my cats.

拍特寫的話,可以用中長焦,這是用85mm在全片幅上的情況。但要留意景深,會否不足夠表現。Use tele lens for close-up shots.  This is by a 85mm lens on a full frame camera.  You need to check whether the dof is enough for you to put the interest part of the cat in.

用135mm拍的話,可以離開遠一點工作,對不熟悉的貓兒比較合適。Use 135mm lens when you need to work at a greater distance to help the cat to feel more easy.

當然,你可能有特殊視覺效果需要,這是用14mm在D70上拍的,相當於21mm的效果,工作很接近,但可以做出你所需要的效果。When you need a very special effect, you may consider using a super wide lens.  This is done by a 14mm lens on D70 (equivalent to 21mm in full frame camera).


Use natural light if possible.  Flash will make the eye of the cat looks strange like looks green/red or closed.  If flash is a must, try put the flash unit away from the camera.  If the CLS system of Nikon is used, the commander camera flash will make the cats close their eyes.

The picture below shows the effect of using natural light while the reflection of the window makes there a bright spot in the eye.

引閃的光已令她合上眼睛。The commander flash closes the cat's eyes

戶外的光最好。If possible, use natural light.


Cats can be more difficult to photo than dogs.  One reason is that they are not so trained to obey commands and the other reason is that they are afraid of strangers.  Great level of patient is needed.  So, you've better find some cat toys to play with them and try to take pictures when they are playing.

The following picture shows my cat who is playing.  This is a toy that the cat can play by itself.  So you are free to take his picture.  As the cat moves everywhere, you can hardly control the background.


This picture is taken when I drop the toy for the cat.  I can do it all by myself alone without anyone helping me.  To make the picture easier to take, I use a wide angle lens, AF.  Hypofocusing technique may be employed too.

Choosing a looking down angle will make the background clear from the things in my home.

讓貓兒們自己玩耍時抓拍也是一個好主意,有不錯的動態You can also make snap shots while cats are playing by themselves.  This usually gives photos full of energy.

還有用光可以更大膽一點,令你的作品更與別不同May be you can employ more creative lighting to make your picture unique.

最後,找點道具與貓兒一起拍攝也是很好的點子Finally you can use anything at your home to give the picture a special feeling.

2 則留言:

  1. 我家拍貓的道具是。。。。。我個仔! HEE !!!
    [版主回覆11/22/2008 13:25:00]可能貓貓先係道具  ....

  2. 小咪 同 波奴才 比較少接觸貓貓 , 應該都冇乜機會幫 貓地 影寫真喇 ~~~
    豬仔爸 唔單實戰經歷豐富 , 連理論都好認真 , 波奴才 係文盲 , 應該都睇唔明 .. .... haha ... ...
    [版主回覆11/22/2008 13:28:00]想影貓的話,可以去鄉村的空地後巷等,會有好多流浪貓,陽光好的日子,他們會懶洋洋的曬太陽;維多利亞公園也有許多流浪貓,他們是愛協捉放計劃的貓貓,剪了耳作記認。 >連理論都好認真 只有唔識野先會口水多過茶
