2008年11月24日 星期一

Capture the beauty of maple tree

九月十月間我去了一趟加拿大的多倫多,正值那裡楓葉轉紅的日子,本該是拍攝楓葉的好時節,可惜我帶同兩狗同行,照顧他們之餘已無能力拍照,所以沒有可見人的作品;但手頭剛有一本 11月12月的DIGI Photo雜誌,談的正是拍楓葉的事,雖說他的範例照片不甚了了,技巧也是老生常談,也不妨拿來分享。


採光: 側順光最好,可以保有影像細節與層次,逆光運用得宜時可以拍出透明的質感,所以他提議的拍攝時間是早上7時到9時半及下午2時到4時半左右。

天氣: 他認為陽光好的日子可以有較艷麗的結果,也有藍天白雲作背景,因此要配合CPL使用,令天更藍,也減少葉面反光以增加楓葉的艷麗,但陰天也可以拍出另一番風味,雨天也可以把水點的效果,總之,天氣沒有選擇,不拍是損失。


I have been to Toronto at the turn of Sept this year and was fortunate to see the beauty of maple leaves turning red.  However, my pictures on these leaves are nothing outstanding.  After returning Hong Kong, I see an article in the Nov+Dec issue of DIGI Photo telling us the methods we should employ in taking pictures of maple tree.  Although their sample pictures are just ordinary and the methods described should be known to us already, I think it is still worth to summarize it here.

For the equipment to take with you, it suggested you should have tripod, tele and wide angle lenses, external flash, CPL and remote.

As the best light is side light which would not flatten the leaves, the best time suggested for taking pictures of maple trees are from 7 to 9:30 in the morning and from 2 to 4:30 in the afternoon.  When you can manage the backlight, you can show the texture of the leaves.

Sunny days would promise more colorful and saturate picture.  And you can add blue sky and white clouds as background.  Thus, use CPL to darden the blue sky for a even saturated result and CPL also cuts the reflection of the leaves to show its colors.  If it rains, you may try to shot the raindrops on the top of the leaves.  Thus, don't withdraw when you think weather is not promising.  Shot is also better than not shot.

Try to take your pictures at RAW mode as it enables you to adjust its exposure later more easily.  A change of 1/3 eV to 1eV would make a dramatic change to the photo.  In order to deal with the wind, you should use high ISO and sometimes use flash to adjust the brightness of the trees/leaves.

When you want to take the whole forest of maple tree, you have no choice but using wide angle lens.  When you try to take a closeup shot of a leaf on the top of a tree, you cannot do without a tele lens.  Try to make the leaf stand out from the background by choosing background other than red.  Can adjust your point of view so that the blue sky is used as background.  In this case, don't forget to add CPL and use flash to light up the leaf.

The following are some pictures I took in Toronto:

不要忘記地面上也是一片楓葉地氊﹝我的太太及兩隻狗狗成了背景﹞Don't forget the leaves on the ground (the leaves are so beautiful that my wife and my dogs get not noticed).


A closeup view of maple leaf.  Blue sky is used as background but no CPL.


Don't give up when weather seems not promising


Don't give up when it is still not the right moment.  You can show the contrast.


A mix of different colors is better than just color red.


When red leaves are too rare, you can concentrate on other things.

4 則留言:

  1. haha .... ... 豬仔媽 成日做 佈景 ~~~

  2. 有佈景做都好,我連背景都冇

  3. 樓下, 你有好多做主角但係無公開既相呀!!! 我想影透光紅葉加藍天, center balance但係一係個天over一個塊葉under, 藍天紅葉無張滿意.
    [版主回覆11/26/2008 17:24:00]光差大,一定要開閃燈補光。或者如果有得影raw就後製補光。

  4. Miffy the Traveler2009年1月5日 晚上10:26

    張紅葉相好靚, 但係咪拉高左saturation?  望落d色好濃
