2008年11月29日 星期六

移軸鏡的新奇功效 Special Effect by PC Lens

Last time in my blog I asked what makes the difference of the two pictures using same lens, same setting.  Let us see the two pictures again.

The following are two pictures I used as example.  (A) being clear and sharp while only the central horizontal part of (B) is sharp:




Photo (A) is just taken by normal camera setting where the lens and the light sensitive element (CCD/CMOS) are parallel to each other.  As the door is also parallel to them, this will guarantee once a point is in focus, the whole door will be in focus too.

In (B), the lens is not parallel to the CCD/CMOS.  Although the central part is in focus, the other part does not.



The same effect can be seen from the above picture of a cat.  To make the eye and only the eye in focus, I use a lens that is not parallel to the CCD/CMOS when I take this picture.

Of course, you may wonder why we need to arrange them not in parallel and how we can do this.

The answer lies in the production of PC (perspective correction) lens.



PC lens is a special type of lens that allow the lenses in it deviate from the principal axis of the camera so that special effect can be achieved.

There are usually two types of movement of the lenses.  One is shift and the other is tilt. The effect of shift will not be covered here.  I will only say something about the effect of tilting the lenses.

The picture below shows the effect of taking the photo of a document on a table when holding the camera near the table.  As there is an angle between the camera and the document and the sharpness is limited by the dof, only part of the document is sharp.

With the help of the tilt of the lens of a PC lens, I can obtain a much better result even thought I have not reduce the aperture of the setting.

The secret lies in a theory saying that there is a plane with which it meets the intersection of the lens' plane and film's/sensor's plane that the whole plane is in focus.  When the document is that plane, all the words in it can be read clearly.


Thus you can see we can obtain photos with wider "dof" by the tilting of a PC lens.

However, no one limits you from doing just the oppose.  You can use a PC lens to deviate a plane that is in focus originally so that only a small part of it is in focus.  My last blog is showing pictures of this type.  Hope this will widen your ability in designing your photos.

3 則留言:

  1. 噢,好深呀!
    [版主回覆12/02/2008 09:52:00]唔深唔深,如果買一枝移軸鏡用就會易掌握D

  2. 之前我都見過我姐夫個移軸鏡,而且佢都有提及過用法,不過當時唔係好明佢講乜。而且睇左你個例子就明白移軸鏡既用途了。Thanks!
    [版主回覆12/02/2008 09:53:00]咁你可以同姐夫借枝鏡返來玩下,就會更加明白了。

  3. 嘩... 發生咩事?係咪因為我唔舒服所以睇唔明呢? 不過你好好心機呀... 中英對照。
    [版主回覆12/02/2008 09:54:00]冇事冇事,時運高睇唔到.... 要中英對照,因為有人落order話個女唔識中文,咪就下佢....
