2009年1月3日 星期六

Why I use raw? 為何我選用raw來拍照?

Should I use raw or jpg when taking a photograph is always within the first few questions asked when someone first use his dslr.  However basic this question may be, there is no model answer.  Depends on your photographic philosophy, you may do it quite different.

fig 1. from raw without touching
圖 1. 未經調教由raw直出

fig 1 shows a pure raw picture without any re-touching.  We should notice that this picture is pale in nature.  However, a raw picture has the most data in it so that we can do the most adjustment later by a software.

I would do some basic adjustment to this picture and let you see the differences.

fig 2. change white balance from auto to sunny outdoor
圖 2. 將白平衡由自動改為室外陽光

White balance should be the first thing I would adjust because a biased wb would give unnatural color and gives a unpleasant feeling.

However, to minimize my work, I usually use the preset wb setting rather than making more precise measurement.

fig 3. choose the picture control as landscape and more sharp
圖 3. 選用風光相片的照片控制項,並加強銳度
Picture control is control that give the picture preset levels on saturation, contrast, brightness and sharpness.  Nikon has some preset called vivid, landscape, standard, portrait etc.  I think other makes of camera do the same things.

As landscape setting usually gives a brighter and happier feeling, I use landscape and set a higher level of sharpness.

fig 4. adjust horizontal level
圖 4. 調整水平
The picture's horizontal was not adjust well when it is taking.  So I use software to rotate it.  However, this causes part of the picture to be trimmed away.  The dog at the foreground is cut in this case (fig. 4)

fig 5. partially control the blue sky to make the cloud standing out
圖 5. 調整藍天部份,讓白雲突出
After I have finished doing the basic adjustment, I try to make the picture some point in attracting our view.  The dog should be a good point but it was cut due to the horizontal adjustment.  So I use the sky.  Applying the U-point technique from NX I can do my partially adjustment on the blue sky only.  I make the blue sky darker and more saturate.  The sky would then attract our view.  (fig. 5)

fig 6. final picture
圖 6. 成品
To crop away the dog would give the final picture (fig. 6).  If I have not taken using raw, some adjustment like white balance and picture control cannot be used.  Thus, I would take my photos in raw even I usually have not much retouching.

fig 7. comparison (top: original, bottom: final)
圖 7. 比較﹝上:原圖、下:成品﹞

8 則留言:

  1. Photo club

  2. 咁我明白點解你話用RAW好D啦, 原來係可以變靚D !!

  3. 成品好像變了另一天的拍攝, 天藍太多了, 陽光太好了.

  4. CAELEN: OSCAR叔叔,我O地同病相連, BABY祝你早日康復!!!!

  5. 謝謝介紹 !

  6. 我都係覺得直接用jap之後用photo shop執好似方便d!!
