2008年12月7日 星期日

Photographic Talk

I met a friend a couple days ago on a dog gathering and we have shared, briefly, our opinion in photography.  Photography when considered as a kind of creative work can't have a fixed way of doing it.  And is this nature of it that makes camera and lens different from merely a recording machine.幾天前在一個狗狗的聚會上跟一位狗友分享了一點點攝影的感受,感覺上攝影是一種創作,因而各人有自己的處理方法,所以,相機和鏡頭不止是一種記錄的工具。
Fig 1 : 70-200 F4 IS
圖一:小小白 70-200 F4 IS
My friend has recently purchased her "little little white" 70-200 F4 IS L lens for her Canon machine.  She said the price for this lens is nearly the same as its big brother F2.8 "little white" lens.  Her choice between them based on the weight of the lens.  F2.8 lens is too heavy for her and as F4 has IS which can keep the safe shutter speed 4 stops down for her to take photos at dim light with hand held camera, her decision goes to F4 lens.朋友最近買了她的小小白,是用在她Canon相機上的紅圈白鏡70-200 F4 IS L鏡頭,據朋友說,這鏡頭因為有IS的關係,售價跟它的大佬F2.8的小白相差不遠,而她選用小小白而不用小白的原因,是因為F2.8的小白對她而言太重了,加上小小白有防抖IS可以讓她在暗光下手持拍攝時減四級快門,所以她別無選擇。
Fig 2 : 70-200 F2.8
圖二:小白 F2.8
This sounds reasonable and base on my experience in using this lens in a studio, I agree that its outcome is extraordinary.  But for me, I would opt the F2.8 brother rather.  I make this decision base on two things.  One is that IS can't replace large aperture lens.  IS can just keep the safe shutter speed lower but not make the lens faster.  When I need to take photos of my energetic dog at dim light, I need a faster lens to freeze his motion.  This traditional wisdom may not hold nowadays with the out spring of high ISO machines, but, the basic difference between fast lens vs anti-vibration design still applies. The second reason is that faster lens gives shallower dof with beautiful bokeh.  A photographer can't just ignore the unimportant things as a painter does.  To keep us looking at the important part of a photo, photographers may blur out the unimportant part.  This comes the choice of dof.  The blurred part, bokeh as they called it, reveals the design of the lens. Although a fast lens may not give beautiful bokeh, a slow lens can never give good looking bokeh, or just can't give bokeh.  Thus, irrespective of the difficulties and the heavenly cost in making large aperture lens, people are still making this kind of lens.  When I need to pay for the lens, I think the optical thing (such as large aperture) worths while the electronic things (like anti-vibration system) are not.  The cost of making electronic things is low tho the developing cost is high.  This makes its price tag drop easily.  However, the cost of producing optical lenses can hardly cut and thus their corresponding products can hardly reduce their price.這也頗有道理,並且我在影樓用這小小白的經驗告訴我它的表現也十分突出,朋友的選擇自有她的基礎。但若果可以讓我作選擇的話,我還是會選用F2.8的小白,原因有兩點:


Fig 3 : The bokeh by Nikkor 135mm DC at f2.8
圖三:用135mm DC 在 f2.8下做出的散景
Another point we have talked about is whether to save pictures at raw or jpg.  To reduce the post-photograph workload, jpg is the only choice.  However, as the degree of retouching a jpg picture is limited, we need to be very careful in selecting the picture style in the camera.  To people like me who cannot do this professionally it is better to use raw files instead.  Raw files eat away my storage but is more safe as I can do lots of adjustment when I back to my home.

The following pictures show the different picture I can easily produce at home.

Fig 4 : Results of different retocuhing by NX2

a : original picture/原圖

b : white balance set/調好白平衡

c : effect at neutral/效果設為neutral

d : effect at normal/效果設為normal

e: effect at vivic/效果設為vivic

f : photo style at protrait/人像模式

g : photo style at landscape/風景模式

h : sharp/銳化

i : D-lighting: off/動態補光 : off

j : D-lighting : normal/動態補光:normal

k : D-lighting: super high/動態補光 : super high

l : -0.5eV

m : curve in S shape/S曲線
You can see there are lots of possibilities and you should bear in mind that there is no correct or incorrect in this retouching but only a choice of taste.  Of all, white balance affect the most and is the one I would definitely check before export as jpg files.

The following picture is the one I choose for this baby, but is not based on this picture but the whole lot of pictures I took that day by a batch process.  You can see that it is not that good but is acceptable.

Fig 5 : My choice of the retouch

honey, you're so cute

6 則留言:

  1. 豬仔爸~~你微調好好,不過我略為覺得黃色多左,我都調左個新色,你認為如何呀?大家研究下...
    [版主回覆12/08/2008 17:27:00]thanks so much.... As I have mentioned, my decision is not based on that picture only.  I just make one that suit most of that lot of about 5 hundred pictures.  If for this baby alone, I think the original one is good enough as it gives a feeling of skin that so lovely.  However, your retouch gives a even better feeling. 

  2. Yep, 影 RAW 真係有好多好處. 依家 memory 咁平,唔怕花時間的,影 RAW方便好多.
    [版主回覆12/08/2008 21:00:00]如果唔係咁,Nikon的NX2就唔會唔比人地由NX upgrade上去

  3. D相係咪用我陪機影, 跟住你再調呀?? 不過我呢D亂影一通, 用RAW出,真係吾知幾多GB先夠 CAELEN: UNCLE OSCAR, 我梗係CUTE啦!不過今次你無鍚鍚BABY WOR, 下次補返數呀!!!!
    [版主回覆12/09/2008 15:47:00]如果你有EXIF viewer,你可以用來看看相片的exif資料,因為我保留了它們,這是用D700影的,不過若是未加改動,raw的相片會很plain,人們說這是保留了最大的可修改幅度。 D90影的未有時間詳細看,遲D睇下點先。 Caelen,你太可愛,望住你忘記錫錫添,下次補返數....

  4. 好在我個部係 Canon 遮
    [版主回覆12/09/2008 15:49:00]Canon厚道D,不過NX2本身不單單是一個轉相軟體,是一個頗強的執相工具,如果唔係用慣PS的話,其實可以用NX2做基本的東西,之後搵其他做手尾.....

  5. a原圖好似明媽D90影出黎啲相,係唔係當日用佢部機影架?
    我哋覺得 D-lighting: off/動態補光 : off 最自然!
    [版主回覆12/09/2008 15:53:00]我估Nikon如果出raw一定好乏味的,所以會睇唔出用邊部機影,我用D90影左幾張,未有時間細細分析。 D-lighting會令暗位出番黎,會冇咁自然,但對於光差大的情況,都好過漆黑一片,Caelen皮膚咁靚,其實係唔使用的。 by the way,網上面話小小白IS的質素,比小白IS仲好,但我未用過小白IS,唔知是否當真?

  6. 原來呢張相都係用你部D700影?之前見你D700啲相,顏色好靚,我仲以為係直出添,諗住靚機,乜都唔駛矯!
