2008年12月10日 星期三

拍產品的討論 A discussion on product photography



There is a discussion in a Mainland China photographic forum on the choice of lens for taking the details of product of the size of pen holder but the budget is limited to 5k.  What makes it even harder to make the decision is that the lens should be used in event photography too.

Some suggest macro lens, some said PC lens is a must and some insist lens is not a problem but an external flash is a must.

對於選用微距鏡的人來說,質素是他們的首要考慮,因為要拍出好片子,鏡頭要有足夠的銳利程度,片子中心跟周邊的效果不可以相差太大,這些正正是微距鏡的強項。可惜,微距鏡也不是太平的,舊款的60mm micro 2.6k,新款的60mm micro G鏡就6k,105 VR也超預算,所以,微距的選擇似乎不可能。
For the choice of macro lens, quality is the keyword.  If we need a picture with sharpness at all part of the picture, there is no other choice than using a macro lens.  However, it is expensive to buy a macro lens.  The old model 60mm micro is selling at 2.6k while the new model is over 6k.  The 105 VR is also over budget.  Thus, it seems not possible to use macro lens in this case.
PC lens would give a very good control in the using of the limited DOF.  However, PC lenses are very expensive.  Even for the old model, 5k can only purchase half a lens, if they willing to cut it for you.
  1. 若果要用DSLR,可以用套頭作會議之用,這樣大概用去2k,在二手市場找一只55mm micro作產品拍攝用,這會用1k左右,餘下的2k買一支外閃。這組合可以作平面出版之用。
  2. 若果可以棄用DSLR,則DSLR用套頭作一般用途,另購一DC作產品拍攝,餘下約1k可以購置一三腳架。這個組合對一般網上發表經已足夠。
To me, I believe there are two solutions.
  1. If DSLR is used, use the kit lens for event shooting (about 2k), use a second-hand 55mm micro lens for product (about 1k) and add an external flash to the system (about 2k).  This would be good enough for book and magazine publishing uses.
  2. If it is not necessary to use DSLR, buy a DC for product use (2k) and use kit lens for event shooting.  The remaining 1k would be good enough for a tripod. This system would be good enough for distributing pictures in the internet.



(1) 透鏡公式 : 1/f = 1/u + 1/v

(2) 放大率 : m = v/u

My choice of solution is based on the fact that when shooting close to the product, the depth of field (dof) is very limited.  In order to make the mission done, even not to the best quality, we need to obtain the greatest dof.

Let us look at some facts in optics.

The basic physics in this problem is summarized by two equations:

(1) Lens formula : 1/f = 1/u + 1/v
(2) Magnification : m = v/u

Let us use an 55mm lens as an example (but the result is the same when other focal lengths are used as long as the camera does not change).  To have a magnification 1:1, the above two equations give the object distance v to be 110mm.  Put these data into a dof calculator, we found that  at f22 the dof is 0.27cm while it reduces dramatically to 0.07 at f5.6.  Thus you can see f22 seems necessary for any practical shooting at this magnification.  Of course, when the magnification reduced, the dof will be greater for you to work with.  But the truth of using small aperture still applies.  Thus, this justifies to have an external flash in the system is a must.
Besides using small aperture, we can use small sensor to obtain great dof.  When a DC like G9 is used, to create a picture like the second picture in this blog, the dof is about 5cm at F8 (the smallest aperture can be used) while it is only about 1 cm when using DSLR when f22 is applied.  You can easily see the advantage of using a DC in product shooting.  Of course, the quality of the picture would not be as high as the camera with large sensor.  Thus, this solution is good only when we need to put our pictures in the internet only.
I know lots of people studying physics also like photography.  May be it is because we have another understanding of it from the very fundamental way.

3 則留言:

  1. >可以用 套頭 作會議之用 咩係套頭?
    [版主回覆12/11/2008 10:12:00]套頭 = kit lens 佢地用D90,Nikon的kit lens唔差,我D70個kit lens都用左影會議典禮等等好多年,效果唔差。

  2. 12.21 豬仔同唔同栗子去行薄扶林 - 數碼港,?  依家問緊砵豆, fifi 力力呀 ~
    [版主回覆12/14/2008 17:22:00]係咪改左地方呀?

  3. 總之我哋向南走啦 ~ 你哋幾點去完彌撒? 我同砵豆栗子再夾夾 ~
