2008年9月15日 星期一

So it is the 3rd day

There are flowers everywhere, even inside the house where we are staying....

(thanks to Siu Fan for her macro lens so that I can take the pictures of these flowers)

We got the car in the morning but not use it yet.  we just drive it back from the place.  It is 1800cc and should have enough space for the dogs.

At the evening, we go to a great bulk pack shop which sells things at low price.  Here it is:

we have bought some dog snacks this time. hope we would come back to see more.

Before we go home, we go to find the HKB location. And try to get some money too.

7 則留言:

  1. sure! need to check it works. not many hkb when not in toronto

  2. 好似早晚涼喎,唔好只影花草,影吓人俾你個女睇吓。
    [版主回覆09/17/2008 09:38:00]but the temperature is still comfortable.  will try to picture us too in the coming days.

  3. if i am right of course you can get money from HKBS but it will charge you more..... ( hope now is changed... used is like that )
    think about stay there for good? good life wow.
    ( the outside garden pics cannot get into the online application cause the size is too big . anyway done no worry lah )
    [版主回覆09/17/2008 09:40:00]we have put canadian dollars in our account but the system seems not work.  will try other means.  there are friends here the size of the pictures are large.  if you want to make them smaller, try some freeware like easy thumbnail....

  4. 落地第一份習作係影花花,但我哋想睇豬豬仔仔x花花多啲喎!

  5. 豬豬仔仔有冇幫d花花草草施肥呀

  6. Even you have Canadian Dollars in your 'HK' account, overseas withdrawal will be charged.  Is it better to withdraw more money and keep safe?
