2009年6月25日 星期四


There is a long time not update my blog as am busy in homing the last puppy found at Wong Shek Pier 2 months ago.  She is still here andm hope she can find her home soon.

But before she goes, we hope we can take her for her first kayak tour.  Finally we have two used kayaks.  One is a solo and the other is a tandem.  Not only we need to learn, our dogs need to learn too.  Hope it would be fun for the dogs in the hot summer days to come.

4 則留言:

  1. 幾時出發去玩?
    [版主回覆06/27/2009 18:03:00]今日去左一次,近近地4公里來回,不過未帶狗狗,佢地有排學先可以出海。

  2. a short tour and bring enough water for dogs, can be dangerous for them
    [版主回覆06/27/2009 18:04:00]see.  hot days in the sea doesn't mean dogs have fresh water.

  3. 好開心呀! 上星期我都有玩過... 第二朝好攰
    [版主回覆06/27/2009 18:08:00]可以泥一齊玩

  4. 一歲拉女急尋暫養/家  傳開去啦喂
